Chapter 6 T-Tests for Means

This Chapter supplements the material in the second part of Lecture 7.

In this chapter, I will introduce the t-test, a classic analysis technique that is used to compare two groups together.

6.1 Independent Sample T-Tests

We can also use bootstrapping as an entry point to a new analysis situation, where we are comparing two groups. This could be for example in a classic experimental context; treatment and control.

Remember, t-tests can be done in any analysis setting, and it does not require bootstrapping at all. It just so happens that they are nicely explainable at this point.

So, we are going to analyze a set of data from my infamous Ed Sheeran Study1 - which would certainly win an Ignobel Prize if I were ever to do it in reality rather than in my fondest imaginings.

The design was discussed in the lecture slides, but in brief we have a two-group ‘treatment and control’ experiment, the classic ‘randomized control trial’ style study.

The first thing to do is read in the data and describe it.

## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     1     1     4
## 2     2     2     5
## 3     3     1     2
## 4     4     2     3
## 5     5     2     4
## 6     6     1     2
##       vars  n  mean   sd median trimmed   mad min max range skew kurtosis   se
## ID       1 30 15.50 8.80   15.5   15.50 11.12   1  30    29 0.00    -1.32 1.61
## GROUP    2 30  1.50 0.51    1.5    1.50  0.74   1   2     1 0.00    -2.07 0.09
## ANGER    3 30  3.33 1.21    3.0    3.33  1.48   1   5     4 0.04    -1.30 0.22
Table 6.1: Data summary
Number of rows 30
Number of columns 3
Column type frequency:
factor 1
numeric 2
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
GROUP 0 1 FALSE 2 1: 15, 2: 15

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
ID 0 1 15.50 8.80 1 8.25 15.5 22.75 30 ▇▇▇▇▇
ANGER 0 1 3.33 1.21 1 2.00 3.0 4.00 5 ▁▇▇▆▇

We can see that we have one FACTOR variable, which we need to indicate the group each subject was in (CONTROL being GROUP 1, and ED being GROUP 2).

So, let’s run an independent samples T-Test with bootstrapped confidence interval.

We use an independent samples test, as the theory is these two groups - after participating in the experiment - are no longer the ‘same’. There is something ‘different’ about the population of people who listen to Ed Sheeran, compared to those who do not. What we are trying to do is assess whether this difference is in anger.

## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   GROUP  name
##   <fct> <dbl>
## 1 1      2.8 
## 2 2      3.87

## Response: ANGER (numeric)
## Explanatory: GROUP (factor)
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##    stat
##   <dbl>
## 1 -2.65
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##   lower_ci upper_ci
##      <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1    -5.49   -0.575

Remember: Group 1 is the control, and Group 2 listened to Ed Sheeran.

Cool, so it seems that Group 2 displayed more anger. The confidence interval for the t-statistic does not contain 0, so it supports the idea that there is a difference here. The interval is quite wide though - because of our small sample size. In a later Chapter we’ll return to this issue of what confidence intervals actually mean.

6.2 Paired-Sample T-tests

OK, so let’s use a different design, using a paired samples t-test. Let me go back to the slides… to explain this difference.

The same basic process is needed, but with some modifications because of the type of comparison we are doing. And, as such, we have some new data.

##   ID ANG_T1 ANG_T2
## 1  1      1      4
## 2  2      2      5
## 3  3      3      2
## 4  4      4      3
## 5  5      2      4
## 6  6      1      2
##        vars  n  mean   sd median trimmed   mad min max range skew kurtosis   se
## ID        1 30 15.50 8.80   15.5   15.50 11.12   1  30    29 0.00    -1.32 1.61
## ANG_T1    2 30  2.00 1.02    2.0    1.88  1.48   1   4     3 0.76    -0.57 0.19
## ANG_T2    3 30  3.33 1.21    3.0    3.33  1.48   1   5     4 0.04    -1.30 0.22

Now, for this bootstrap purpose we actually need to to calculate the difference between the two measurements (here, T1 and T2).

Then, we bootstrap a one-sample t-test with this difference variable. This essentially tests whether the difference is different from zero. If it is, that indicates some effect of the treatment.

Let us first calculate the new variable:

## 1  1      1      4   3
## 2  2      2      5   3
## 3  3      3      2  -1
## 4  4      4      3  -1
## 5  5      2      4   2
## 6  6      1      2   1
##        vars  n  mean   sd median trimmed   mad min max range  skew kurtosis
## ID        1 30 15.50 8.80   15.5   15.50 11.12   1  30    29  0.00    -1.32
## ANG_T1    2 30  2.00 1.02    2.0    1.88  1.48   1   4     3  0.76    -0.57
## ANG_T2    3 30  3.33 1.21    3.0    3.33  1.48   1   5     4  0.04    -1.30
## DIF       4 30  1.33 1.27    1.0    1.38  1.48  -1   4     5 -0.13    -0.62
##          se
## ID     1.61
## ANG_T1 0.19
## ANG_T2 0.22
## DIF    0.23

We can see there is a new ‘DIF’ variable here.

Next, we bootstrap a confidence interval for the mean of the difference variable, to see whether it includes zero:

## Response: DIF (numeric)
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##    stat
##   <dbl>
## 1  1.33
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##   lower_ci upper_ci
##      <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1      0.9     1.73
## [1] 2
## [1] 3.333333

Marvelous. We can see that the results suggest that after listening to Ed Sheeran, our sample on average reported more anger. This is because the 95% confidence interval does not include 0, and therefore I am confident in saying that there is probably some effect going on here.

Not surprised…

1If you are a friend or relative of, or more importantly a lawyer for, Ed Sheeran, please note that this is not a real study.